Manage all your pages using the Fastsite Content Management System - Page management made easy
The Pages module is included in our standard content management system.
With this module you manage all the pages that are loaded on your website.
Add as many pages as you want.
Add text, Images, Movies and Documents to your pages
All the functionality available in Microsoft word is also available in this module.
These Include:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Add a Link (Link from one page to another)
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Undo
- Redo
- Numbered List
- Bullet List
- Indent
- Out dent
- Align Left
- Align Center
- Align Right
- Justify
- Insert Image
- Embed Movie
- Add Document Download Link
- Change Font
You also have the ability to change the title, description, keywords and headings of each page individually.
This is very important for search engine optimization and ranking.
Fastsite is built to allow you to manage your own site without additional cost involved.
Several of our clients have been doing their own search engine optimization successfully using the Fastsite CMS. For more information please contact us on 084 505 3077 or use our contact us form.